Kache Aam ka murabba recipe in Urdu



Aam Ka Murabba or Mango Murabba is simply a sweet and tangy, fragrant raw mango preserve. You could also term it as an Indian jam or preserve. This is one of the ways that you can preserve the green ‘king of fruits,’ and enjoy it even after the season is over. The flavor of cardamom and saffron in this murabba make it even more delicious. It is vegan and gluten-free as well.


 30 minutes
1 kg mango
1 kg sugar
1 1/2 cup water

Cooking Instructions

How to make Aam Ka Murabba

Prepare Mangoes

1. Rinse and wipe dry the raw unripe mangoes. Then, peel them. 
2. Grate or shred the mangoes. I used 2 large raw mangoes and got about 1.25 tightly packed cups of shredded mangoes.

3. Powder 4 to 5 green cardamoms and 1 to 2 cloves in a mortar-pestle. Set aside. Discard the cardamom husks.

Making Aam Ka Murabba

4. In a pan, take the grated or shredded mangoes along with 1.5 cups sugar. The addition of sugar depends upon the sourness of the mangoes and your taste.
I added 1.5 cups of sugar. You can also add jaggery powder instead of sugar. I used raw sugar. Jaggery will obviously be a healthier option.

5. Switch on the heat. Stir the mango-sugar mixture very well.

6. On low heat or sim, cook the mango mixture. Initially, the sugar will melt and consistency will be watery.

7. Stir often so that the sugar does not crystallize and keep on simmering the mixture.

8. When the sugar syrup starts to cook, you will see the mixture bubbling.

9. Keep on stirring and cooking.

10. The mixture will begin to thicken.

11. When the sugar in the mixture reaches 2 thread consistency, switch off the heat. If you cook more, then murabba gets a thick, sticky and hard consistency. You can also choose to cook till 1 string consistency. The consistency should be jam-like and look translucent. There should also be a slight crunch in the mangoes.
12. Add the powdered cardamom and cloves mixture and a few strands of saffron (crushed). On cooling, the consistency thickens more.
Omit the saffron if you do not have it.

13. Mix very well and cool the mixture completely.

14. Once cooled, spoon Aam Ka Murabba in a clean sterilized glass jar or bottle. Stays good for more than 3 months in the refrigerator and about 15 to 20 days at room temperature.

15. Serve Aam Ka Murabba as a side condiment with a North Indian meal or you can also have it with paratha or roti.

Recipe in urdu

Murabba, Achar # Chutney

The terms murabba, achar and chutney might be a little confusing, and sometimes interchangeable too. This is mainly because of the commercial labels that tend to use one in place of the other, most of the times.
However, culinarily, all these three are distinct terminologies. The only common thing about these three is that all of them are methods of preserving fruits and vegetables.


Since this post is dedicated to a murabba, I’ll begin with it. As already mentioned here earlier, a murabba is typically a preserve. The base is primarily a fruit or berry. The method is simple – chopped, grated or shredded fruits are cooked with sugar or kept in the sun, to get a consistency resembling jam. Additional flavors like saffron, cardamom or other spices can be used.

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Huma Chaudhary

When it comes to eating, researchers, the media, and policy makers mainly focus on negative aspects of eating behavior, like restricting certain foods, counting calories, and dieting. Likewise, health intervention efforts, including primary prevention campaigns, typically encourage consumers to trade off the expected enjoyment of hedonic and comfort foods against health benefits1.

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