Make Quick White Cheese Sauce: English Urdu Recipe with Hash Huma Choudhary

  Make Quick White Cheese Sauce: English Urdu Recipe with Hash Huma Choudhary

Easy and quick White cheese sauce. Pasta is an energy booster in itself. It provides you with glucose and crucial fuel for your muscles and brain. On the other hand each Vegetable has its own benefits so by combining them you can gain a lot from it.
  • Time required for White Sauce Vegetable Pasta: 15 minutes
  • Serving: 3-4

White Cheese Sauce Pasta in English

Ingredients White Sauce Pasta

  • butter 1 tablespoon
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • black pepper 1 teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1.5 teaspoon oregano
  • ½ liter milk
  • cup of mix vegetables
  • 1 cup of chopped capsicum
  • cheese 2 cups
  • 2 cups of penne pasta

 Method White Sauce Pasta

  • Start this recipe by taking a pan then add 1 tablespoon of butter in it. Heat this pan until it starts melting the butter.
  • Now add 1 tablespoon of flour in it and mix with the help of a spoon in roux. Add 1 teaspoon of black pepper in it.
  • Once you are done with adding the black pepper add only 1 teaspoon of salt. Don’t add anymore salt otherwise it may ruin your recipe.
  • Now add 1.5 teaspoons of Oregon then mix with the help of a spoon. Add a little bit of milk while stirring.
  • After that, Take half liter milk and add approximately 2/3 of your half liter milk in it. Whisk this mixture well with the help of beater.
  • Now add the remaining 1/3 of your half liter milk. Take a cup of mix vegetables then add them in this mixture as well.
  • Remember here we are using sweet corns, carrots and peas as mix vegetables. You can also use other vegetables. Add 1 cup of chopped capsicum.
  • Now mix all your ingredients very well with the help of a spoon. Take 2 cups of cheese and add them in this mixture.
  • After that, stir it well till you see that the cheese you added is now dissolving. Once you are done dissolving cheese move on to the final step.
  • In the final step add 2 cups of penne pasta in this mixture which is actually your sauce. Let it cook. Pour it all in a bowl and your White Sauce Vegetable Pasta is ready to serve.

Huma Chaudhary

When it comes to eating, researchers, the media, and policy makers mainly focus on negative aspects of eating behavior, like restricting certain foods, counting calories, and dieting. Likewise, health intervention efforts, including primary prevention campaigns, typically encourage consumers to trade off the expected enjoyment of hedonic and comfort foods against health benefits1.

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